home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0; # not running under some shell
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # This file copyright (c) 2001-2008 Randy J. Ray, all rights reserved
- # $Id: make_method 343 2008-04-09 09:54:36Z rjray $
- #
- # See "LICENSE" in the documentation for licensing and redistribution terms.
- #
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # $Id: make_method 343 2008-04-09 09:54:36Z rjray $
- #
- # Description: Simple tool to turn a Perl routine and the support data
- # into the simple XML representation that RPC::XML::Server
- # understands.
- #
- # Functions: write_file
- #
- # Libraries: Config
- # Getopt::Long
- # IO::File
- # File::Spec
- #
- # Global Consts: $VERSION
- # $cmd
- #
- # Environment: None.
- #
- ###############################################################################
- use 5.005;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($cmd $USAGE $VERSION $revision %opts $ifh $ofh $path
- $helptxt $codetxt @siglist $name $type $version $hidden $lang);
- use subs qw(read_external write_file);
- use Config;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use IO::File;
- use File::Spec;
- $VERSION = '1.12';
- ($cmd = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
- $USAGE = "$cmd [ --options ]
- Where:
- --help Generate this message.
- --name Specifies the external (published) name of the method.
- --type Specify whether this defines a PROCEDURE, a METHOD or a
- FUNCTION (case-free)
- --version Gives the version that should be attached to the method.
- --hidden Takes no value; if passed, flags the method as hidden.
- --signature Specifies one method signature. May be specified more than once.
- --helptext Provides the help string.
- --helpfile Gives the name of a file from which the help-text is read.
- --code Gives the name of the file from which to read the code.
- --output Name of the file to write the resulting XML to.
- --base If passed, this is used as a base-name from which to derive all
- the other information. The file <base>.base must exist and be
- readable. That file will provide the information for the method,
- some of which may point to other files to be read. When done, the
- output is written to <base>.xpl.
- If --base is specified, all other options are ignored, and any
- missing information (such as no signatures, etc.) will cause an
- error.
- ";
- GetOptions(\%opts,
- qw(help
- base=s
- name=s type=s version=s hidden signature=s@ helptext=s
- helpfile=s code=s
- output=s))
- or die "$USAGE\n\nStopped";
- if ($opts{help})
- {
- print $USAGE;
- exit;
- }
- #
- # First we start by getting all our data. Once that's all in place, then the
- # generation of the file is simple.
- #
- if ($opts{base})
- {
- # This simplifies a lot of it
- (undef, $path, $name) = File::Spec->splitpath($opts{base});
- $path = '.' unless $path;
- $type = 'm'; # Default the type to 'm'ethod.
- $codetxt = {};
- $ifh = new IO::File "< $opts{base}.base";
- die "Error opening $opts{base}.base for reading: $!\nStopped"
- unless ($ifh);
- while (defined($_ = <$ifh>))
- {
- chomp;
- if (/^name:\s+([\w\.]+)$/i)
- {
- $name = $1;
- }
- elsif (/^type:\s+(\S+)$/i)
- {
- $type = substr(lc $1, 0, 1);
- }
- elsif (/^version:\s+(\S+)$/i)
- {
- $version = $1;
- }
- elsif (/^signature:\s+\b(.*)$/i)
- {
- push(@siglist, $1);
- }
- elsif (/^hidden:\s+(no|yes)/i)
- {
- $hidden = ($1 eq 'yes') ? 1 : 0;
- }
- elsif (/^helpfile:\s+(.*)/i)
- {
- $helptxt = read_external(File::Spec->catfile($path, $1));
- }
- elsif (/^codefile(\[(.*)\])?:\s+(.*)/i)
- {
- $lang = $2 || 'perl';
- $codetxt->{$lang} = read_external(File::Spec->catfile($path, $3));
- }
- }
- die "Error: no code specified in $opts{base}.base, stopped"
- unless (keys %$codetxt);
- die "Error: no signatures found in $opts{base}.base, stopped"
- unless (@siglist);
- $ofh = new IO::File "> $opts{base}.xpl";
- die "Error opening $opts{base}.xpl for writing: $!\nStopped"
- unless ($ofh);
- }
- else
- {
- if ($opts{name})
- {
- $name = $opts{name};
- }
- else
- {
- die 'No name was specified for the published routine, stopped';
- }
- $type = $opts{type} || 'm';
- $hidden = $opts{hidden} || 0;
- $version = $opts{version} || '';
- if ($opts{signature})
- {
- @siglist = map { s/:/ /g; $_ } @{$opts{signature}};
- }
- else
- {
- die "At least one signature must be specified for $name, stopped";
- }
- if ($opts{helptext})
- {
- $$helptxt = "$opts{helptext}\n";
- }
- elsif ($opts{helpfile})
- {
- $helptxt = read_external($opts{helpfile});
- }
- else
- {
- $$helptxt = '';
- }
- if ($opts{code})
- {
- $codetxt->{perl} = read_external($opts{code});
- }
- else
- {
- $codetxt->{perl} = join('', <STDIN>);
- }
- if ($opts{output})
- {
- $ofh = new IO::File "> $opts{output}";
- die "Unable to open $opts{output} for writing: $!\nStopped"
- unless ($ofh);
- }
- else
- {
- $ofh = \*STDOUT;
- }
- }
- write_file($ofh,
- $name, $type, $version, $hidden, $codetxt, $helptxt, \@siglist);
- exit;
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Sub Name: read_external
- #
- # Description: Simple snippet to read in an external file and return the
- # results as a ref-to-scalar
- #
- # $file in scalar File to open and read
- #
- # Globals: None.
- #
- # Environment: None.
- #
- # Returns: Success: scalar ref
- # Failure: dies
- #
- ###############################################################################
- sub read_external
- {
- my $file = shift;
- my $fh = new IO::File "< $file";
- die "Cannot open file $file for reading: $!, stopped" unless ($fh);
- my $tmp = join('', <$fh>);
- \$tmp;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Sub Name: write_file
- #
- # Description: Write the XML file that will describe a publishable method
- #
- # $fh in IO Filehandle to write to
- # $name in scalar Name (external) of method
- # $type in scalar Identifies outer tag to use
- # $version in scalar Version string (if any)
- # $hidden in scalar Boolean whether to hide it
- # $code in sc ref Actual Perl code
- # $help in sc ref Help text for the method
- # $sigs in listref List of one or more signatures
- # for the method
- #
- # Globals: $cmd
- #
- # Environment: None.
- #
- # Returns: void
- #
- ###############################################################################
- sub write_file
- {
- my ($fh, $name, $type, $version, $hidden, $code, $help, $sigs) = @_;
- my $date = scalar localtime;
- my %typemap = ( 'm' => 'method',
- p => 'procedure',
- f => 'function');
- my $tag = "$typemap{$type}def";
- # Armor against XML confusion
- foreach ($name, $$help)
- {
- s/&/&/g;
- s/</</g;
- s/>/>/g;
- }
- for (keys %$code)
- {
- if (($_ eq 'perl') and (index(${$code->{$_}}, ']]>') == -1) and
- (index(${$code->{$_}}, '__END__') == -1))
- {
- ${$code->{$_}} =
- "<![CDATA[\n$Config{startperl}\n${$code->{$_}}\n__END__\n]]>";
- }
- else
- {
- ${$code->{$_}} =~ s/&/&/g;
- ${$code->{$_}} =~ s/</</g;
- ${$code->{$_}} =~ s/>/>/g;
- }
- }
- print $ofh <<"EO_HDR";
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
- <!DOCTYPE $tag SYSTEM "rpc-method.dtd">
- <!--
- Generated automatically by $cmd v$VERSION, $date
- Any changes made here will be lost.
- -->
- <$tag>
- print $ofh "<name>$name</name>\n";
- print $ofh "<version>$version</version>\n" if $version;
- print $ofh "<hidden />\n" if $hidden;
- print $ofh map { "<signature>$_</signature>\n" } @$sigs;
- print $ofh "<help>\n$$help</help>\n" if ($$help);
- for (sort keys %$code)
- {
- print $ofh qq{<code language="perl">\n$ {$code->{$_}}</code>\n};
- }
- print $ofh "</$tag>\n";
- return;
- }
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- make_method - Turn Perl code into an XML description for RPC::XML::Server
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- make_method --name=system.identification --helptext='System ID string'
- --signature=string --code=ident.pl --output=ident.xpl
- make_method --base=methods/identification
- This is a simple tool to create the XML descriptive files for specifying
- methods to be published by an B<RPC::XML::Server>-based server.
- If a server is written such that the methods it exports (or I<publishes>) are
- a part of the running code, then there is no need for this tool. However, in
- cases where the server may be separate and distinct from the code (such as an
- Apache-based RPC server), specifying the routines and filling in the
- supporting information can be cumbersome.
- One solution that the B<RPC::XML::Server> package offers is the means to load
- publishable code from an external file. The file is in a simple XML dialect
- that clearly delinates the externally-visible name, the method signatures, the
- help text and the code itself. These files may be created manually, or this
- tool may be used as an aide.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- The tool recognizes the following options:
- =over 4
- =item --help
- Prints a short summary of the options.
- =item --name=STRING
- Specifies the published name of the method being encoded. This is the name by
- which it will be visible to clients of the server.
- =item --type=STRING
- Specify the type for the resulting file. "Type" here refers to whether the
- container tag used in the resulting XML will specify a B<procedure> or a
- B<method>. The default is B<method>. The string is treated case-independant,
- and only the first character (C<m> or C<p>) is actually regarded.
- =item --version=STRING
- Specify a version stamp for the code routine.
- =item --hidden
- If this is passe, the resulting file will include a tag that tells the server
- daemon to not make the routine visible through any introspection interfaces.
- =item --signature=STRING [ --signature=STRING ... ]
- Specify one or more signatures for the method. Signatures should be the type
- names as laid out in the documentation in L<RPC::XML>, with the elements
- separated by a colon. You may also separate them with spaces, if you quote the
- argument. This option may be specified more than once, as some methods may
- have several signatures.
- =item --helptext=STRING
- Specify the help text for the method as a simple string on the command line.
- Not suited for terribly long help strings.
- =item --helpfile=FILE
- Read the help text for the method from the file specified.
- =item --code=FILE
- Read the actual code for the routine from the file specifed. If this option is
- not given, the code is read from the standard input file descriptor.
- =item --output=FILE
- Write the resulting XML representation to the specified file. If this option
- is not given, then the output goes to the standard output file descriptor.
- =item --base=NAME
- This is a special, "all-in-one" option. If passed, all other options are
- ignored.
- The value is used as the base element for reading information from a file
- named B<BASE>.base. This file will contain specification of the name, version,
- hidden status, signatures and other method information. Each line of the file
- should look like one of the following:
- =over 4
- =item B<Name: I<STRING>>
- Specify the name of the routine being published. If this line does not appear,
- then the value of the B<--base> argument with all directory elements removed
- will be used.
- =item B<Version: I<STRING>>
- Provide a version stamp for the function. If no line matching this pattern is
- present, no version tag will be written.
- =item B<Hidden: I<STRING>>
- If present, I<STRING> should be either C<yes> or C<no> (case not important).
- If it is C<yes>, then the method is marked to be hidden from any introspection
- API.
- =item B<Signature: I<STRING>>
- This line may appear more than once, and is treated cumulatively. Other
- options override previous values if they appear more than once. The portion
- following the C<Signature:> part is taken to be a published signature for the
- method, with elements separated by whitespace. Each method must have at least
- one signature, so a lack of any will cause an error.
- =item B<Helpfile: I<STRING>>
- Specifies the file from which to read the help text. It is not an error if
- no help text is specified.
- =item B<Codefile: I<STRING>>
- Specifies the file from which to read the code. Code is assumed to be Perl,
- and will be tagged as such in the resulting file.
- =item B<Codefile[lang]: I<string>>
- Specifies the file from which to read code, while also identifying the
- language that the code is in. This allows for the creation of a B<XPL> file
- that includes multiple language implementations of the given method or
- procedure.
- =back
- Any other lines than the above patterns are ignored.
- If no code has been read, then the tool will exit with an error message.
- The output is written to B<BASE>.xpl, preserving the path information so that
- the resulting file is right alongside the source files. This allows constructs
- such as:
- make_method --base=methods/introspection
- =back
- The file format for these published routines is a very simple XML dialect.
- This is less due to XML being an ideal format than it is the availability of
- the parser, given that the B<RPC::XML::Server> class will already have the
- parser code in core. Writing a completely new format would not have gained
- anything.
- The Document Type Declaration for the format can be summarized by:
- <!ELEMENT proceduredef (name, version?, hidden?, signature+,
- help?, code)>
- <!ELEMENT methoddef (name, version?, hidden?, signature+,
- help?, code)>
- <!ELEMENT functiondef (name, version?, hidden?, signature+,
- help?, code)>
- <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT hidden EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT signature (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT help (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST code language (#PCDATA)>
- The file C<rpc-method.dtd> that comes with the distribution has some
- commentary in addition to the actual specification.
- A file is (for now) limited to one definition. This is started by the one of
- the opening tags C<E<lt>methoddefE<gt>>, C<E<lt>functiondefE<gt>> or
- C<E<lt>proceduredefE<gt>>. This is followed by exactly one C<E<lt>nameE<gt>>
- container specifying the method name, an optional version stamp, an optional
- hide-from-introspection flag, one or more C<E<lt>signatureE<gt>> containers
- specifying signatures, an optional C<E<lt>helpE<gt>> container with the help
- text, then the C<E<lt>codeE<gt>> container with the actual program code. All
- text should use entity encoding for the symbols:
- & C<&> (ampersand)
- E<lt> C<<> (less-than)
- E<gt> C<>> (greater-than)
- The parsing process within the server class will decode the entities. To make
- things easier, the tool scans all text elements and encodes the above entities
- before writing the file.
- =head2 The Specification of Code
- This is not I<"Programming 101">, nor is it I<"Perl for the Somewhat Dim">.
- The code that is passed in via one of the C<*.xpl> files gets passed to
- C<eval> with next to no modification (see below). Thus, badly-written or
- malicious code can very well wreak havoc on your server. This is not the fault
- of the server code. The price of the flexibility this system offers is the
- responsibility on the part of the developer to ensure that the code is tested
- and safe.
- Code itself is treated as verbatim as possible. Some edits may occur on the
- server-side, as it make the code suitable for creating an anonymous subroutine
- from. The B<make_method> tool will attempt to use a C<CDATA> section to embed
- the code within the XML document, so that there is no need to encode entities
- or such. This allows for the resulting F<*.xpl> files to be syntax-testable
- with C<perl -cx>. You can aid this by ensuring that the code does not contain
- either of the two following character sequences:
- ]]>
- __DATA__
- The first is the C<CDATA> terminator. If it occurs naturally in the code, it
- would trigger the end-of-section in the parser. The second is the familiar
- Perl token, which is inserted so that the remainder of the XML document does
- not clutter up the Perl parser.
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- The B<RPC::XML> distribution comes with a number of default methods in a
- subdirectory called (cryptically enough) C<methods>. Each of these is
- expressed as a set of (C<*.base>, C<*.code>, C<*.help>) files. The Makefile.PL
- file configures the resulting Makefile such that these are used to create
- C<*.xpl> files using this tool, and then install them.
- Most problems come out in the form of error messages followed by an abrupt
- exit.
- =head1 CAVEATS
- I don't much like this approach to specifying the methods, but I liked my
- other ideas even less.
- =head1 CREDITS
- The B<XML-RPC> standard is Copyright (c) 1998-2001, UserLand Software, Inc.
- See <http://www.xmlrpc.com> for more information about the B<XML-RPC>
- specification.
- =head1 LICENSE
- This module and the code within are released under the terms of the Artistic
- License 2.0
- (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php). This code may
- be redistributed under either the Artistic License or the GNU Lesser General
- Public License (LGPL) version 2.1
- (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php).
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<RPC::XML>, L<RPC::XML::Server>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Randy J. Ray <rjray@blackperl.com>
- =cut